Companies are filled with opportunity and unpredictability.

We help leaders and organizations thrive amidst uncertainty and change.

When you want support achieving your goals, solving problems, handling anything that comes your way, and navigating (and thriving through) change, choose to improve with us.

Ready to improve?

We help companies…

Adapt to changing circumstances

Make decisions with limited information

Build trust among teams

Drive business growth

Communicate clearly

Increase impact


Creatively solve problems

Build world-class companies

When to choose us…

Bring us in when you want creative strategic support whenever there’s change and/or growth opportunity. For example…

  • You want to change your product lineup or launch a new product.

  • You are undergoing (or underwent) layoffs or a reorg and need to re-align with new market conditions.

  • You want to capture global opportunity, navigate an ever changing global landscape that change how you think about your business.

  • You need support with strategic planning as you navigate change.

We are here when organizations are looking to re-evaluate their products, business model, teams, or impact. We provide tactical frameworks and exercises that enable comfort amidst uncomfortable situations, empowering confident decision making faster and with more clarity.

Founder of Improve, Mary Lemmer, is a longtime entrepreneur, creative strategist, author, and recovering startup executive. Learn more about Mary and her inspiration for starting Improve.

See us in action…

People practice musical instruments, language, and sports, but where do people go to practice leadership and team collaboration?

With Improve.

Ready to improve your leadership, team, company, or impact?

Contact us.

yes (at) chooseimprove (dot) com