How to expense a course with Improve

Guess what?! Many companies offer an L&D or education budget that covers the cost of our programs. We provide several ways to help you get your participation reimbursed.

Ways to get reimbursed

Submit an invoice

After you enroll in our course, you will receive a confirmation of payment for your purchase. You can forward this receipt directly to your team for reimbursement. Please reach out at if you need help adding custom information, such as your company name and address.

Certificate of completion

Once you complete the course, we will email you a certificate of completion that proves you completed it. Your name, course details, and our official Improve logo will be included on your certificate. Here is an example:

Get manager approval

If you need manager approval, we provide a reimbursement template, below, that you can use to let your manager know you're interested in a course that will improve your work.

This template frames the course in way that demonstrates that your participation in this course will help you help your team get ahead and better achieve the team and organization’s goals. Just copy, paste, and change out the red text and anything else to make it your own.

Hey {manager},

There's a course called How to Handle Anything that I'd love to take. It's a live, online course over 6 weeks, and it's run by Improve, which has helped thousands of leaders at companies like Google, Pfizer, Verizon, TED, KPMG improve adaptability, creativity, problem solving, communication, and other important leadership skills.

Here’s a bit of information about the course:

  • Direct access to Mary Lemmer, the expert instructor teaching the course

  • 6 hands-on interactive sessions to learn and practice new tactics and ways to adapt, problem solve, innovate, and navigate change

  • Latest thinking on how to solve problems and innovate through change

I anticipate being able to put my learnings directly into practice during the course. Afterwards, I can share what I learned with the team so we all can improve a bit.

The investment for the course is $849 USD. If you like, you can review course details here, including the instructor’s bio:

What do you think?


{Your Name}

P.S. Because it's an efficient way to get shared context that otherwise takes back-and-forth time to build, it might make sense for us to send a few folks to this course.

Here’s to improving together soon!

Investing in yourself with an Improve course is a great way to accelerate your skills, and we hope your company agrees. If you need help, please email yes @